
The New York XP & Agile Meetup Group

We Are Back! Virtual… for now

Covid-19 changed the game, making remote work and distributed team members the norm. I think we all sense that something fundamental has changed in the nature of work, and many of these changes will persist even after the pandemic. Like it or not, whiteboards and sticky notes can no longer cut it. We have to use Agile tools. So… which one?

In this talk Craeg will do an in-depth walkthrough of two leading Agile tools: Atlassian Jira and Kanbanize. He will review the philosophy of each tool, and then walk through a fully featured simulation, complete with sample projects, plugins, and project configurations, that show off the best that each tool has to offer.

Atlassian Jira is a “developer’s tool,” and this heritage shows through clearly in the way it is set up, how the pieces fit together, and the problems it tries to solve. But this is really only a small part of the Jira story. The Jira plugin marketplace has exploded in popularity, with hundreds of high-quality plugins that extend Jira in all sorts of interesting ways. Craeg will demonstrate a Jira configuration that includes plugins including Nave, Structure, Structure.Gantt, Checklist, Story Maps, and JXL. Taken together, these plugins transform Jira into an Enterprise-strength tool. Craeg will explore how Jira supports both Kanban and Scrum at the team level, as well as scaling beyond the team level.

Kanbanize is the market leader among a set of up-and-coming Kanban tools including Kaiten, Swift Kanban, Kanban Zone, and LeanKit. Craeg will explore how Jira supports both Kanban and Scrum at the team level, as well as scaling beyond the team level. In contrast to Jira, Kanbanize offers a “batteries included” approach that tightly integrates features in a unique and highly usable interface.

Craeg will explore the areas of overlap and the unique strengths of each tool. In the end, both are highly capable, flexible, and powerful enough to support even the largest of organizations. But…in the end there can be only one. Come to see the results of this legendary battle!

We will post the zoom link for all who sign up!



Craeg Strong

ISO 27001:2013
Accredited Kanban Consultant
Scrum Foundation Educators Certification
Better Business Bureau Accreditation Ariel Partners

Copyright 2023 Ariel Partners. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2023 Ariel Partners. All rights reserved.